01 Requirements

  • Arrive & Drive drivers must be 15 years old and over (ID Required).
  • Driver Height: Minimum height of 1.57m, to drive.
  • Maximum weight is 135kg.
  • Race overalls, gloves covering fingers and thumbs and a full face helmet must be worn at all times.
  • Clear helmet visors only to be worn after sunset.
  • Closed-toe shoes must be worn (drivers are responsible for their own footwear and no sandals allowed)
  • Sign the disclaimer (drivers below the age of 18 years old require a Parent/Legal Guardian to sign them in).
  • Drivers must produce valid ID when registering (Aadhar ID, Passport, Driving License).
  • Arrive & Drive Sessions: 10 minutes timed session (2 minutes of controlled pace and 8 minutes of free pace).

02 Conditions

  • You agree on behalf of yourself and the driver to observe all circuit/track rules and regulations and all instructions given by F11, including our Formula Karting crew.
  • You agree on behalf of yourself and the driver to observe and comply with any advice, instruction, request or decision made by us whether on the grounds of the safety of the driver or any other person or for any other reason at all.
  • You agree on behalf of yourself and the driver that our opinion on all matters regarding safety will be final.
  • You agree on behalf of yourself and the driver that any driver acting in a manner which, in our opinion, is dangerous or may interfere with or disrupt the experience, we will at our sole discretion and without further liability to us immediately have the experience terminated without refund.
  • The driver must not have consumed any alcohol prior to the experience and we will be entitled at the time for any experience to prevent a driver from driving who, in our opinion, may have consumed alcohol beforehand.
  • No driver will be allowed to take part in any experience unless they have attended the full safety briefing preceding the experience.
  • Where required by Formula Karting all drivers, without exception, must wear their own or the provided crash helmet, race suit, gloves and suitable sports shoes. Sandals are not allowed.

03 Cancellations & Refunds

  • No refunds of the price will be payable by F11.We reserve the right to cancel an experience due to adverse weather conditions that may affect your safety. We cannot be held liable for any costs incurred in this circumstance.
  • You will be entitled to use an alternative experience session no more than three months after the initial canceled experience.

04 Social Media

  • By entering this venue, you are agreeing that should any digital content (images or videos) be generated by F11, or accredited Formula Karting photographers or videographers, Formula Karting incurs the right to use this content for promotional use.
  • Formula Karting will always ask the user permission before publishing self-user generated content.